Easy Peasy - Tea

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Easy Peasy Tea

Tea: Not Just For The Queen Anymore

Very few comforts and pleasures from life compare to that of a nice cup of tea. Tea has a wide variety of uses! Whether you are looking to energize yourself with some black tea, or looking to calm your nerves with a cup of Earl Grey, or herbal tea. Fortunately, it is not the 1700s anymore, and tea has never been more widely available! If you like good ole southern sweet tea, or nice calming green tea, we have many curated videos that may appeal to you.

Tea Types

Black, white, green, yellow, herbal, fermented, and Oolong. No, I did not just decide to name a bunch of random words off the top of my head. There are some of the various types of tea that our beautiful world offers us. Most of us are familiar with black, and green tea, but I am willing to bet many of you didn't even know you could ferment tea. Now, each one of these teas can be made differently to yield different results, and it can be a little bit overwhelming. Thankfully, we have gathered a collection of curated videos which should help to alleviate the choices.

Loose Leaf? Or Teabags?

How do you choose between using loose leaf tea, or using tea that is already in the bag? Well, it mainly comes down to taste, and whichever one appeals to you the most. Both of them have their inherent benefits, and they both have their negatives. You will not truly know until you have found the one that tastes the best to you. Green tea, arguably, tastes better when brewed loose leaf, as well as Jasmine tea. When breaking out that Sweet tea recipe though, you will be better off using a teabag.

Hot Or Iced? Sweet or Unsweetened?

Now, I am from the Southern United States, and tea here is almost always sweetened and iced, but if I were from the UK I imagine I may have more of a proclivity towards hot tea. We have many videos which cater to whichever type of tea you may prefer. Who knows what you may discover you like?

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